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 Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator

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Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator Empty
PostSubyek: Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator   Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator Icon_minitimeFri Jul 10, 2009 1:57 pm

Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator

Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator Win7.boxes

Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator Win7ac10

Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator Af07cac11311

Quote :
Installation Notes:
Install build 7264 x86 or x64 as usual but when asked for a key, do not enter one !

After Windows installtion, run the 7264.bat batch script (from x86 or x64 folder, depending on your system) as administrator!
You can check yourself what these batch files do by editing them.
If you do not feel safe running them, simply do not!

They will do everything to activate your Windows and save modified files in a backup folder just in case something goes wrong.

Added a "keygen" just in case serial number fails also.
You can change it at line:
cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk 6JKV2-QPB8H-RQ893-FW7TM-PBJ73
in the 7264.bat file if you want!

After Activating this Build You can use the Extra Themes, TCP/IP Patch, Tweaks, Logon Screen Changer, etc.

Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator Rhnar9

Windows 7 Build 7264 Activator 2dl14av

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