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 KGB Spy Keylogger v4.2 + Crack

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KGB Spy Keylogger v4.2 + Crack Empty
PostSubyek: KGB Spy Keylogger v4.2 + Crack   KGB Spy Keylogger v4.2 + Crack Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2009 11:04 am

KGB Spy Keylogger

KGB Spy Keylogger v4.2 + Crack 5wfpkj

All things considered, this utility provides most necessary features for spying on other computer users without their knowledge. KGB Spy's main window lacks visual appeal, but its tabbed structure means it will be simple for most midlevel users to configure the program. The application logs all keystrokes, but it also can take screenshots at user-specified intervals, log visited Web sites, and record Clipboard contents. The app can generate reports and send them to your e-mail address, and it will automatically do so if one of your keywords is typed. Even savvy users won't be able to detect or disable KGB Spy, as you'll find tools for hiding its presence in the Task Manager, in the Start menu, on the desktop, and in the Program Files folder. Even if someone accidentally enters the right keystroke for calling the app out of stealth mode, he or she will still need the master password to uninstall it. Concerned parents will miss a tool for blocking access to offensive Web sites, but if you're primarily looking to play Big Brother, KGB Spy will make a capable assistant.

KGB Spy Keylogger v4.2 + Crack 2vvrggn

Download: (5.5 MB, No Password)

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